Reports, bulletins - 2015
Women and armed conflicts
Goran Fejić and Rada Iveković
f the issue of sex is, as we believe, at the heart of every other form of inequality, then the sequence in the analysis of events needs to be reversed: it is not the national liberation struggle (let us take that example), aiming at creating a new national state, that is primary, that has democratic prospects and would therefore liberate women as well as nations/peoples and nationalities. It is on the contrary women/feminists who could and should do something about the “national” and “race” matter.
Rada&Goran Women & armed conflict FINAL2015 pdf
The Women’s Court
Rada Ivekovic
Violence and Healing: The War and the Post-War Period from the First Generation and Beyond
The war and war violence in Yugoslav countries (hereafter: “in Yugoslavia”) took place in their most brutal forms from 1991 to 1999. The post-war violence of varying intensities has never been discontinued since 1999, and has been going on to this day. Besides the first and the most affected generation by the war, the second generation that grew up in peace – however unsatisfactory that peace may have been – now takes part in reflecting on the occurred past and present violence. It is possible that views of these two generations do not coincide completely. For the third generation, the war may already be history, which does not mean that its traces and consequences are eliminated or healed.
Il testo ripercorre il processo attraverso il quale si è arrivate alla realizzazione della Corte delle Donne che ha affrontato il recente passato ed il presente dei territori della ex-Jugoslavia, elaborando una riflessione sulla giustizia in ottica femminista. All'introduzione di Dasa Duhacek seguono tre saggi, di Staša Zajović, La Corte delle Donne, un approccio femminista alla giustizia: analisi del processo di organizzazione della Corte delle Donne, Dasa Duhacek, La Corte delle Donne: un approccio femminista alla in/giustizia, Rada Ivekovic, Violenza e cura (Healing): la guerra e il periodo postbellico dalla prima generazione e oltre.
Tribunale delle Donne per la ex-Yugoslavia, un approccio femminista alla
Nello scorrere del tempo, sembrano lontani i giorni dell’orrore, quando la guerra infuriava in BosniaErzegovina (1992-95), portando con sé il suo macabro bagaglio di violenze inaudite e di tragedie individuali: la pulizia etnica pianificata dai serbi, la brutale deportazione degli abitanti di interi villaggi strappati dalle loro case e diventati improvvisamente nemici e usurpatori, le disperate marce di sradicamento, i lunghi assedi e la morte per fame dei bambini e dei più deboli, la tortura e lo sterminio di massa di uomini, ragazzi e vecchi, le fosse comuni, i campi di concentramento, la paura che annichilisce, lo stupro sui corpi delle donne, spesso ridotte in schiavitù in campi-bordello, per umiliarle, disonorarle e annientare così, nella triste logica del patriarcato, le radici etniche dell’avversario.
Tribunale delle donne (Graziella Longoni) pdf
Tribunale delle Donne per la ex-Yugoslavia, un approccio femminista alla Giustizia
Il Tribunale delle donne per la ex Jugoslavia vuole essere uno spazio per testimoniare e per le voci delle donne, per l'autonomia delle donne, attraverso la loro partecipazione attiva alla costruzione della giustizia e della pace, al fine di creare nuovi paradigmi della giustizia.
Tribunale delle Donne per la ex Yugoslavia pdf
Women’s Court about the proces book
The texts in this publication have undertaken the difficult task of
presenting the complex process of establishing, bringing together
and finally organizing Women’s Court for the successor countries
of SFR Yugoslavia.
Following the premise that Women’s Court is a space for women’s
testimonies, a space for hearing women’s voices as well as the
space for acknowledging their resistance, in 2010 an initiative to
go ahead with this process was revived during the course of which,
the preparing and organizing the Women’s Court gathered activists
from all successor countries of SFR Yugoslavia.
Women’s Court about the proces book pdf
The first women's court in the territory of Europe, was held in Sarajevo from 7th to 10th May 2015, organized by 10 women's groups from the former Yugoslavia (Mothers’ Movement of the enclaves of Srebrenica and Žepa and the Foundation Cure, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Center for Women and Peace Studies – Anima, Kotor, Montenegro, Center for Women Victims of War and Center for Women Studies, Zagreb, Croatia, Kosovo Women Network, Pristina, Kosovo, Council for Gender Equality, Skopje, Macedonia, Women’s Lobby, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Center for Women Studies and Women in Black, Belgrade, Serbia).
Marieme Helie Lucas eng
May 7 the Women’s Court on war crimes against women during the war in the 1990ies formally started in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Women have come together from all the corners of the former-Yugoslavia to participate in the Women’s Court in Sarajevo, to demand justice for the crimes committed against them during the wars and the enduring inequalities and suffering that followed. Marieme Helie Lucas
Karima Bennoune (Interview) eng
"At the Women’s Court, women testified courageously of their experiences of losing family members to massacres, of mass rape and kidnapping, and of ethnic persecution. They demanded that such events never be repeated. This feminist re-imagining of a court in which women victims are the central focus was very inspiring and thought-provoking to me as an international lawyer."
Karima Bennoune (Interview) pdf
Women's Tribunal, Sarajevo 2015
I am a Woman in Black from Belgrade. I was one of the organizers of the the first feminist conference in East Europe, Drug-ca Zena in 1978 in Belgrade. I am also the author of "The Diary of the Political Idiot," maybe the first war diary written by a woman distributed over the Internet.
Jasmina Tesanovic Sarajevo engl pdf
From 7th to 10th of May in Sarajevo, Bosnia, the Women´s Court has taken place to judge the crimes committed during the wars of the Balkans in the 90s. Many women, coming from all the countries of the former Yugoslavia, testified about the war crimes, still impune, for which they asked justice with a feminist approach.
Mujeres de Negro contra la Guerra - de Madrid engl pdf
Mujeres de Negro contra la Guerra - de Madrid spa pdf
Women’s Court for the Former Yugoslavia:
Seeking Justice, Truth, and Active Remembering
The wars in the former Yugoslavia—in the 1990s—caused destruction of lives, violence, pain and suffering on a large scale. As geography of violence, these wars constituted the lived experience of many women and men across different collectives of the former Yugoslavia. Despite the human toll, such geography is seen by some as an historical episode of a past. For many more the memory of atrocities, massacres, expulsion, forced displacement, sexual violence, and destruction of property, is ever present—embodied in their selfhood and carried in memory. War and memory are, however, not the only trope in the present time; it is the survivors’ thirst for justice.
Preliminary Decisions and Recommendations
Women have created the Women's Court in order to develop a vision of feminist justice which transcends state borders and strives for justice, rather than fulfilling mere legal obligations. You (women witnesses) are the leading subjects of the Women's Court. You have been invisible for too long. In formal legal proceedings you are treated as victims or as providing legal evidence, but in the Women’s Court you decided to speak loudly and under your own names, and in your own way. You became testifiers about crimes and violence, whose voices and experience could no longer be ignored. You have become an authentic part of history. Without you, the Women's Court would not have happened. We honor your courage and honesty, and we thank you for your trust.
Odluke i preporuke zs sarajevo pdf
Women’s Court Regional
Organisational Board
Mothers of the Enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa
Foundation CURE (
Centre for Women’s Studies (
Centre for Women War Victims - ROSA (
Kosovo Women’s Network (
National Council for Gender Equality (
Anima (
Women’s Lobby Slovenia (
Women’s Studies (
Women in Black (