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Reports, bulletins - 2011

Quantutative report

A brief history of the Initiative to organize the Women’s Court for the Former Yugoslavia

The initiative for the Women’s Court (WC) has existed for more than ten years; it was launched in 2000 in Sarajevo, by Žarana Papić, philosopher and Belgrade peace movement activist, and was supported by Corinne Kumar, who has already had considerable experience in organizing WC. The initiative generated great interest and led to the participation of the witnesses and activists from Bosnia and Herzegovina on the WC organized in Cape Town in 2001.Unfortunately, in 2002 Žarana Papić died; activists who are now members of the Initiative Board continued to participate in numerous international initiatives for justice: Women’s Court, Permanent People’s Tribunal, and organized many conferences for peace and justice in their countries.

After the death of S. Milosevic and the fact that he died unpunished in the Hague Tribunal, Women in Black from Belgrade again initiated the organization of the People’s Women’s Court for crimes against peace, but it was informal in its character.

Report on implemented activities January - December 2011 (pdf)


Women’s Court Regional
Organisational Board

Bosnia & Herzegovina:
Mothers of the Enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa
Foundation CURE (www.fondacijacure.org)
Centre for Women’s Studies (www.zenstud.hr)
Centre for Women War Victims - ROSA (www.czzzr.hr)
Kosovo Women’s Network (www.womensnetwork.org)
National Council for Gender Equality (www.sozm.org.mk)
Anima (www.animakotor.org)
Women’s Lobby Slovenia (www.zls.si)
Women’s Studies (www.zenskestudie.edu.rs)
Women in Black (www.zeneucrnom.org)
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